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Accountests Launch Critical Thinking and Admin Ability Testing

The Accountests suite consists of 3 test suites:   

  1. Critical Reasoning Test suitable for accounting, management, professional groups and graduates.

  2. General Reasoning Test suite suitable for bookkeeping, admin and support roles.

  3. Checking Test for basic-level processing jobs. 


The Accountests suite has additional advantages of setting scenarios and questions in accounting and bookkeeping environments and measuring your candidates test performance against norm groups of people working in accounting and bookkeeping environments.   

Many of you reading this will recall taking part in our norm-group collection exercises at the beginning of the year. 

With tests taking between 4 and 30 mins to complete, Ability Testing is easy on candidate’s time and with instant report generation, easy on your time too for receiving candidate performance reports, which are readily interpreted both graphically and with text that includes interview questions to address potential concerns and development advice for test-takers with poorer results. 

To manage the risks of online testing, these tests, like all of our tests, include anti-cheating measures, including proctoring to ensure the person taking the test is the same person you are looking to hire and randomized question selection from a deep bank of questions to avoid test familiarity. 

Click on the 3 links at the top of this page to get more details on each test suite, including the roles they are suited for, some example questions, sample report and interpretation videos.  If you want to trial these tests to see where they can add value to your hiring decision making, get in touch and we’ll make it happen. 

Then add Ability Testing to your hiring processes, blending the results from our Skills Tests and Personality Questionnaire to build a complete picture of your candidate’s current skill levels and development priorities, allowing you to walk into your next employment relationship with your eyes wide open, well ahead of your candidates competing job offers. 


Happy hiring!


Want to see if Accountests will work for your firm?  


Steve Evans  |  Steve founded Accountests alongside a career using his expertise in candidate testing and assessment to support employers to attract, recruit, and develop talent. 

Accountests  |  Accountests deliver the world’s only online suite of annually updated and country-specific technical skills, ability and personality tests designed by and for accountants and bookkeepers. 
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